Education enquiry – virtual Name First Last Organisaton name Email What audience is the workshop aimed at?* Age 6-8 Age 9-12 Teenagers Students Adults Families What type of workshop are you interested in?* Webinar with Q&A Webinar with no Q&A Interactive workshop (20 screens) What session duration are you interested in? 20 min 30 min 45 min 1 hour Do you have specific times or days of the week that you are interested in running this workshop? Weekday Weekend Morning Afternoon What date are you interested in?* MM slash DD slash YYYY Are there any specific topics you require to be covered in the session? What is the anticipated audience-size for the workshop?Please enter a numberWhich online platform do you wish to use? Zoom Microsoft Teams Crowdcast Will someone from your organisation be taking part in/hosting the session? Yes No If No, will you be in a position to provide us with a list of attendees so that we can manage attendance? Yes No Is there any other information you wish to share about your enquiry?Please note: live animals do not appear in our virtual workshops.