Conservation in action


Golden Lion Tamarin Conservation

Golden Lion Tamarin Conservation

Golden lion tamarins are listed as Endangered by the IUCN Red List with an estimated 1,000 individuals in the wild. Since 2000, Dublin Zoo has financially supported the Golden Lion Tamarin Conservation Project.



Golden Lion Tamarin Conservation

Golden lion tamarins are listed as Endangered by the IUCN Red List with an estimated 1,000 individuals in the wild. Since 2000, Dublin Zoo has financially supported the Golden Lion Tamarin Conservation Project.


Golden Lion Tamarin Conservation Project

Since 2000, Dublin Zoo has financially supported the Golden Lion Tamarin Association. This is an international conservation initiative which aims to conserve this endangered species and its habitat, the Atlantic Coastal Rainforests of south-eastern Brazil. Over the years, the money has been used for various conservation initiatives such as tracking family groups using radio-collars, conducting studies on diet and habitat use, moving isolated groups into larger reserves and habitat restoration. The Golden Lion Tamarin Association is also involved with environmental education programmes.

In 2014, keeper, Susan O’Brien, went to Brazil to see the work of the Golden Lion Tamarin Association.

Dublin Zoo also participates in the European Endangered Species Breeding Programme for golden lion tamarins.


Golden Lion Tamarins in the Wild

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