Common ostrich

Struthio camelus

Irish Name: Ostrais
IUCN Status: Least concern

Ostriches are large flightless birds with long necks and legs built for running at high speeds. They have large eyes, a flat beak and fluffy feathers. Female ostriches have brown coloured feathers, while male ostriches have black and white feathers

Common ostrich

Struthio camelus

Irish Name: Ostrais
IUCN Status: Least concern

Ostriches are large flightless birds with long necks and legs built for running at high speeds. They have large eyes, a flat beak and fluffy feathers. Female ostriches have brown coloured feathers, while male ostriches have black and white feathers

General Information

Where do they live? (Natural habitat)

Ostriches live in southern Africa in open or semi-arid (dry) savannah.

How long do they live?

They can live up to 50 years in both the wild and in zoos.

What do they eat?

Ostriches are omnivores. They feed on a variety of plants, including seeds, grasses, berries and succulents, as well as insects and small reptiles. They get water from the plants they eat, but need an external water source to survive.

Group name


Zoo location

African Savannah

Closest related species / sister species

The Somali ostrich, Struthio moylbdophanes, is the closest relative of the common ostrich.

Animal class


Animal order


Fun facts

Big eyes

An ostrich's eye is almost 5cm across, making it the largest eye of a land animal.

Fast runners

Ostriches can run up to 70km/hr!


Ostriches are the only birds to have two toes.

Ostrich close up

Family Life

Male ostriches defend their territories while groups of females roam between territories. Females will mate with multiple males and males will mate with multiple females. Each male will only pair-bond with one, major hen. All hens lay their eggs in the same nest as the major hen and the bonded male and female take turns incubating the eggs. The ma hen's eggs are placed near the centre of the nest to increase their likelihood of hatching, which occurs after about 45 days.

Baby name


Gestation (pregnancy) period

Incubation lasts about 45 days.

Number of young at birth

There no indication of the number of eggs each hen may lay in the communal nest.

Weight at birth


Age at maturity

Ostrich are typically mature between two and four years of age.

Adult male name

Cock or rooster

Adult female name


Size male adult

2.1-2.7m in height and 100-130kg in weight.

Size female adult

1.7-1.9m in height and 90-110kg in weight.



Least Concern

The ostrich is listed as Least Concern by the International Union for Conservation in Nature.

Current population estimate



Ostriches are threatened by habitat loss and the use of their feathers and skin in the fashion world.

What is Dublin Zoo doing?

Dublin Zoo houses ostriches to learn about their behaviour and supports conservation projects that aid savannah habitats in Africa.



  • Do ostriches stick their head in the ground/sand?

    No, this is a myth. The colour of an ostrich’s head and neck blends in with the sand, making it look like they are burying it.

  • How fast can an ostrich run?

    Ostriches can run up to 70km/hr.

  • Can ostriches fly?

    No, ostriches cannot fly.

  • What do ostriches eat?

    Ostriches eat a mix of plants and animals consisting of seeds, grasses, berries, along with insects and small reptiles.

  • Where do ostriches live?

    Ostriches live on the savannahs of Africa.

  • How tall is an ostrich?

    Ostriches can be as tall as 2.75m.

  • How much does an ostrich weigh?

    Ostriches can weigh up to 130kg.

  • How often do ostriches lay eggs?

    A group of hens will lay generally up to 60 eggs between them but they’ll only lay one clutch per year.

  • How big is an ostrich egg?

    An ostrich egg is on average 15 x 13cm, and weighs about 1500 grams.

  • What sound does an ostrich make?

    Male ostriches make a booming noise by inflating his throat.

  • Are ostriches endangered?

    No, ostriches are listed as Least Concern by the IUCN.

  • How long do ostriches live?

    Ostriches can live up to 50 years in the wild and in zoos.

  • How many eggs does an ostrich lay?

    A group of hens will lay around 60 per year.

  • Is an ostrich a mammal?

    No, an ostrich is a bird.

  • What is a baby ostrich called?

    A baby ostrich is called a chick.

  • Can ostriches swim?

    Some ostriches in zoos have been documented swimming.

  • What is a group of ostriches called?

    A group of ostriches is called a flock.

  • What is the difference between an emu and an ostrich?

    Emus are smaller than ostriches and are native to Australia, not Africa. Emu males and females appear similar in colour, while ostriches differ in colour depending on their sex.

  • Do ostriches have teeth?

    Ostriches do not have teeth and will swallow stones to help grind up their food.

  • How much does an ostrich egg weigh?

    An ostrich egg can weigh up to 1.5kg!

  • What colour is an ostrich?

    Female ostriches are tan and brown, while males are white and black with pink beaks.

  • How many toes does an ostrich have?

    Ostriches have two toes.

  • Are ostriches dangerous?

    Ostriches have very strong legs and very sharp claws, and they can cause a lot of damage by kicking and scratching.

  • How do ostriches sleep?

    Ostriches sleep sitting down. In light levels of sleep ostriches have their eyes open and neck upright. In deeper sleep ostriches close their eyes and their necks start to sway.
